Dott. Stefano Pierotti
Born in Lucca 14 August 1961. Graduated with a degree in Medicine and Surgery and obtained professional qualification in 1988 from the Università degli Studi di Pisa and member of the roll list Albo dei Medici della Provincia di Lucca (membership card n. 1962). Specialization in Legal Medicine and Insurance from the Università degli Studi di Pisa in 1993. He was a part of the group C.N.R. in the Injury to Health collaborating on the draft “Guida rientativa per la valutazione del danno biologico permanente” or “Orientation Guide to the evaluation of permanent biological injury”. Enrolled in the technical court consultant roll list Albo dei Consulenti Tecnici del Tribunale di Lucca since 1990. Since then he has worked for the judicial office Uffici Giudiziari consulting in the civil and penal sectors (more than 950 penal cases). Member of the forensic group Gruppo Italiano dei Patologi Forensi. Trustee for around 15 years in the biggest insurance groups and hospital companies.